Fatigue is a Communication

Fatigue – common in occurrences, diverse in causes, yet mysterious in many ways. Here is an attempt to put down an integrative review on causes, identification & means to cope with fatigue.

A. Fatigue – Common Critical Contributors:

The causes of fatigue may hugely vary due to disturbances across mental & physical levels; from benign to a warning sign; however it would nice to know a few common causes:

  • Physical Over activity & Physical Inactivity – Both are an abuse of human body in opposite ways.
  • Stress – Stress & fatigue have a well-established cause to effect connection under the disease entity “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”.
  • Imbalanced Diet & Micronutrient deficiencies.
  • Systemic Illness – Hypothyroidism, Asthma, Diabetes, Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, Infections, Recovery from an acute illness.
  • Medications – Steroids, Beta Blockers (Hypertension medications), Sulphonylureas (Oral Anti Diabetic Drug; – tiredness may be an accompaniment with hypoglycaemia)

B. Fatigue is an early communication rendered by the body – Identify it

It is a great challenge to identify the causes of your fatigue; most importantly to know whether it’s a benign cause or a threat calling; here’s a list of few questions to help you identify possible implications of your fatigue.

  • Are you putting on weight along with fatigue? – It may be fatigue due Metabolic Syndrome, Hypothyroidism or possibly Type 2 Diabetes
  • Are you on any medications? – Certain medications may cause fatigue as a side effect.
  • Are you losing weight drastically with your fatigue? – It may be a sign of certain infections, severe undiagnosed Diabetes & possible malignancies. A new class of Diabetes medications called SGLT-2 Inhibitors may also cause weight loss & fatigue in some individuals at beginning of therapy.
  • Do you suffer recurrent episodes of fatigue? – This may be due to poor nutrition or myopathies (muscle diseases).
  • Are you overworked mentally or physically & your fatigue is associated with generalised body aches? – Your fatigue could be due to stress on body & mind.

C. Fighting Your Fatigue – Supreme Role of Self Involvement

  • Sleep Well – Sound sleep is the safest and under estimated effective medicine for many illnesses.
  • Meditation – Deep breathing exercises are safe means to calm your nerves.
  • Recreational Activities – Doing anything that you love or are passionate about, are wonderful stress busters; this may include activities like gym-ing, dancing, singing, going for a long drive, travelling, etc.
  • Nutrition – A balanced diet customised to your lifestyle can go a long way to beat your fatigue. Seek help of natural supplements like Rhodiola$, Ginseng$$ – which are clinically proven stress adaptogens.
  • If you have signs of drastic weight loss & recurrent episodes of unexplained fatigue – seek medical advice.
  • Be watchful towards other signs & symptoms associated with fatigue.
  • Make peace with yourself; communicate your dejections – Nothing is worth achieving in life at the cost of your health.

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Fatigue is common, yet a complex body gesture; try to decipher it; & you will defeat it!!.

Always read the label before use.


This article is an attempt to educate the patient; it is by no means a replacement for individualistic medical advice.

© 2016. Zifam Pinnacle Pty. Ltd.