Managing Work Stress

  • Most jobs offering a rewarding career and job satisfaction will be consistent with stress.
  • As we discussed earlier, stress is a response, and we can definitely choose to train our minds how to respond to our work related stress.
  • Following are some tips which may help you overcome work related stress:
    • Methodically, plan your work at beginning of the day.
    • Make a realistic checklist, divide your work day into segments of few hours – and check whether you finished what you had planned till the hour – it’s like an activity which renders contentment.
    • Every job profile can be broken down into certain easy-to-be done / likeable activities which can be completed without significant mental exertion. Plan the activities you like more towards the end of the day; so that you remain productive and less stressful throughout the day.
    • Build healthy work relationships with your colleagues; your work place can be developed into an environment which is open to knowledge exchange.
    • Many top level jobs involve troubleshooting activities on a daily basis; and it may not always be possible to strictly abide by the checklist methodology; hence as a general rule; its best to accept, anticipate and prepare yourself that stress is a part of life and work; this acceptance helps you come to terms with the challenges and deal with them happily and efficiently.
    • Switch off: However, ambitious and driven you may be; working long hours for many days together burns you out. It’s an inappropriate assumption that it enhances your productivity; in the long run it only declines your capacity to give your best. Hold on to your hobbies, spend time with your loved ones; totally switch off from work after a certain time of the evening – it rejuvenates you to start a new day with pronounced enthusiasm.

Always read the label before use.


This article is an attempt to educate the patient; it is by no means a replacement for individualistic medical advice.

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