Stress – Do’s, Don’ts and Accept

Coping up with stress is not just about “Do’s and “Don’ts” (like for many other lifestyle disorders) – it’s also quite a lot about “Acceptance”. Below are few of each:


  • Follow a hobby regularly – it’s an excellent stress buster.
  • Meditate – it calms you down; simple deep breathing manoeuvres for 15-30 minutes a day can be really helpful.
  • Obtain potential benefits of clinical proven natural adaptogen based supplements like Rhodiola$, Ginseng$$.
  • Seek help from specialist care when warning signs are evident.

$ Seek benefit of Australian made natural supplement, B Activ – Rhodiola containing product of Zifam.

$$ Seek benefit of Australian made natural supplement, Vitaginseng – Ginseng containing product of Zifam.


  • Don’t blame yourself or anyone for what went wrong in life; it’s never worth it.
  • Do not complain; life itself is the greatest gift.
  • Do not hold grudges.


  • We are just humans – though most intellectual but yet not super beings – stress can let us down once in a while; and its ok.
  • Each day may not be a sunny day, and it will pass off; because each day cannot be gloomy too.
  • Stress and Happiness is within you – choose which side you would like to showcase.

We all dwell through our daily routines; but its passion which inflates “life” into our lives. Passion is an omnipotent way of living which takes care of everything. Stay passionate – the journey of life will be a carnival!!

Always read the label before use.


This article is an attempt to educate the patient; it is by no means a replacement for individualistic medical advice.

© 2016. Zifam Pinnacle Pty. Ltd.